your safety is our priority.

NIT Occupational Health & Safety Specialists LLC is a work training and safety consultancy business. We collaborate with the adaptation of the contracting company to current labor legislation, as well as to social and environmental security regulations.

About Us

Why Us?

NIT Occupational Health & Safety Specialist LLC primary purpose is work safety. Safety at Work is a mandatory practice for all companies, regardless of their line of business for the following areas:

Protect the ability and integrity of employees to work.

Prevent and/or minimize the occurrence of occupational diseases.

Prevent and/or minimize the number of accidents at work.

In addition to these points, it is very important to take into account that managers who do not comply with the legislation and regulations may suffer various sanctions such as fines & consequences.

Experience in Offshore & Onshore Safety
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Satisfied Customers
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Premises Secured
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Professional Team
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Why Choose Us

What is OSHA Training and Safety Consulting and Training for?

Consulting and training in safety at work aims to guide companies in adapting to labor laws and compliance with current safety standards at work, preventing accidents and illnesses that harm employees and interfere with their work routine, in addition to preventing the organization from suffering sanctions.

The main function of occupational safety consultancy is to guarantee the physical and mental integrity of workers within the work environment, diagnosing and preventing existing risks to their health and safety in the execution of work activities.

Fast Response Time Guaranteed


Services Overview

What measures does the NIT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY SPECIALISTS implement?

The actions implemented by NIT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY SPECIALISTS are of a preventive nature with technical, administrative and educational measures, involving all sectors of the organization.

The main actions include:

Training in regulatory standards, first aid and CIPA;

Implementation of CIPA (Internal Commission for the Prevention of Accidents);

Development of occupational health and safety programs such as: PPRA (Environmental Risk Prevention Program); PCMSO (Occupational Health Medical Control Program); PCMAT (Work Conditions and Environment Program);

Preparation of the LTCAT (Technical Report on the conditions of the work environment);

Integration with e-Social;

Carrying out audits.

Our Team

meet the team

We are passionate about helping businesses maintain safe and healthy work environments, everywhere and always.

Djenane Dorea

CEO (Chief executive officer)

Etevaldo Dorea

COO (Chief operating officer)

Get ahold of us

Our priority is to keep you safe, get in touch today to know how to get started.

Hiring NIT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY SPECIALISTS company reduces costs with injuries or sick leave

Occupational safety is an area that deals directly with the prevention of work accidents, which can be fires, electric shocks, misuse of hand tools, dangerous products, among many others. Through studies, an analysis of these factors is carried out, which is vital for the prevention of possible problems.